Congratulations to Gov. Gary Johnson on Setting a New LP Record

November 7, 2012

While the election didn’t turn out the way we’d hoped, we’d like to congratulate Gov. Gary Johnson on setting a new LP record.  Johnson received more votes than any previous Libertarian presidential candidate.  We now have a few years until the next high-level election, but let’s get to work building the local infrastructure the Libertarian Party needs in order to support those high-level candidates in the future.

Gary Johnson: Not Just The Same Old Candidate

November 1, 2012

Gary Johnson Qualifies for Third Party Debate on 10/30!

October 25, 2012

Congratulations to Governor Gary Johnson, who qualified for the next third party Presidential candidate debate on 10/30 at 8pm central!  Gov. Johnson received almost twice as many votes as second place candidate Jill Stein (Green Party) and beat out Constitution Party candidate Virgil Goode and Justice Party candidate Rocky Anderson for one of the two spots in next Tuesday’s debate.  Let’s keep the momentum going!

Winners of October 23rd Presidential Debate Have Been Announced!

Gov. Gary Johnson (NM) is the Libertarian Party’s Candidate for President of the United States

May 5, 2012

The Libertarian Party has nominated former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson as their candidate for President of the United States. Take a look at Gov. Johnson’s website and consider making a donation to help make 2012 a year to remember.

Take the World’s Smallest Political Quiz!

June 21, 2011

If you’ve ever met a Libertarian, you’ve probably seen the image above a time or two. For those who haven’t, this is taken from the World’s Smallest Political Quiz, a project of The Advocates for Self Government.

The idea is that the typical left-right, linear political spectrum is too simplistic and does not accurately reflect the complexities of political ideologies. As an illustration, the usual layout has Stalin on the far left and Hitler on the far right, when both were totalitarians who favored heavy government control. In that model, where do you put those who believe in limited government?

The World’s Smallest Political Quiz measures responses on two criteria: personal freedom and economic freedom. Conservatives would tend to rate highly on economic freedom but low on personal freedom, liberals would tend to rate highly on personal freedom but low on economic freedom, and Libertarians would rate highly on both. In this model, Hitler and Stalin would be right next to each other down at the bottom extreme with low ratings on both personal and economic freedom. Granted, this quiz has only ten questions, so it has its limits, but if you’re curious to see where you fall, just click on the image above to get started.