
Claire Jelly Beans 1

Meet Libertarian Candidate for IL Comptroller Claire Ball  2/21/16

Published at the Illinois Herald by Mark Wachtler

While Republicans and Democrats are preparing for their March Primaries here in Illinois, the state’s Libertarians are already on the campaign trail for the November General Election. One of those is Claire Ball, Libertarian Party candidate for Illinois Comptroller.



Illinois Libertarian Party Wins Court Victory for Easier Ballot Access  2/16/16

Published at Reason by Brian Doherty

A 2012 lawsuit from the Illinois Libertarian Party (L.P.) has been resolved in their favor, with a decision for summary judgment on their behalf, reports Peoria Public Radio, making it easier for the L.P. to get on ballots without having to find candidates to run for a full slate of state offices or even county offices.



Illinois Libertarian candidates join effort to decriminalize pot   12/14/15

Published at Illinois Review by Dennis G. LaComb

If you’re looking for political support to take the use of marijuana a step further from medical use to recreational use, the Illinois Libertarian Party is just what you’re looking for. Monday, the Libertarians released a statement boosting Democrat State Rep. Kelly Cassidy’s second try at state legislation that calls for cannabis use to be punished with small fines instead of criminal charges.



Illinois Libertarians Sue Over Medical Marijuana Campaign Finance Ban   11/25/15

Published at NPR Illinois WUIS by Brian Mackey

A federal lawsuit is seeking to overturn Illinois’ ban on campaign contributions from medical marijuana companies. The case was brought last week by two Libertarian Party political candidates: Claire Ball of Addison, who says she’s running for comptroller, and Scott Schluter of Marion, who says he’s running for state representative. They say they favor legalization of drugs, and that companies that agree with them should be able to support their campaigns.



IL Libertarian Party Looks To Build On Recent Notoriety  11/28/14

Published at the Illinois Herald by Mark Wachtler

It’s been an exciting election year for the Libertarian Party of Illinois. They gained national headlines when armed GOP thugs went to their homes, forcing them to sign affidavits saying they weren’t Libertarians. The Party then found itself in a three-way race with the two establishment Parties.



Libertarian Candidates Could Sway Result of Illinois Governor’s Race 10/29/14

Published at the Journal Star by Chris Kaergard

Two Peoria men could hold in their hands the result of the Illinois governor’s race. Depending on how they poll next Tuesday, Chad Grimm and Alexander “AJ” Cummings — the Libertarian Party candidates for governor and lieutenant governor, respectively — could be poised to throw a tight contest to either Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn, a Democrat, or his GOP challenger Bruce Rauner.



Libertarians Line Up to Challenge Illinois Candidates 10/24/14

Published by the Chicago Sun-Times by Tina Sfondeles

Grimm says his campaign is a grass-roots movement: “If we were to get elected, I would owe no special interest groups anything. The only people that I would owe are the people of Illinois, which is I think what you want in a politician.”



Libertarian AG Candidate Ben Koyl: Stop Paying Lip Service To Principles of Freedom 10/24/14

Published at Reboot Illinois by Ben Koyl

I have been a member of the Libertarian Party on the national level since July 2012 where I voted for my first Libertarian Party candidate, Gary Johnson. After the election I did not do anything with the LP until the Fall of 2013 when I sent an email to the Libertarian Party of Illinois to request volunteer opportunities.



Libertarian Comptroller Candidate Julie Fox: My Opponents Have No Incentive to Cut Waste 10/24/14

Published at Reboot Illinois by Julie Fox

Illinoisans should vote for me because I am the only candidate actually qualified for the job.  I am the only CPA, in fact the only accountant, running for the top accounting position in the state.   I have worked in the private sector as a corporate controller for the past 16 years, and also have accounting experience in the public sector.



Treasurer Candidate Matthew Skopek: Vote to Change System by Voting Libertarian 10/24/14

Published at Reboot Illinois by Matthew Skopek

Illinois Libertarians and other citizens who are members of the other political parties, unlike previous elections, hold a significant amount of power with their vote this November.  By overcoming the odds, due to our state’s growing faith in the Libertarian Party, we are able to give the people of Illinois an opportunity to re-shape the future of our state and localities.



Libertarian Secretary of State Candidate Chris Michel: Stop Regulating Freedom Away 10/24/14

Published at Reboot Illinois by Chris Michel

I am saddened by the state of the state we live in. We have a balanced budget amendment but can’t pay our bills. Elected officials continue to raise taxes and regulate our freedom away. I cannot sit idle and watch this happen. It seems the only way to fight back is to run for office and represent the liberty we are due.



Libertarian Candidate for Attorney General “Running A Positive Campaign” 10/22/14

Published at by Dan Zar

There is a lot more to 34-year-old Ben Koyl of Downers Grove than you may think: an independent lawyer by day, a bass guitarist by night and a Libertarian candidate on the November ballot for Illinois attorney general.



Joe Walsh’s On Air Endorsement of Julie Fox For Comptroller 10/17/14



Libertarian Candidate Could Tilt Illinois Governor’s Race 10/16/14

Video published by Fox News



IL Libertarian Party Files Complaint Against GOP for Intimidating Petition Signers  9/15/14

Published at IVN by Carl Wicklander

As Illinois Republican gubernatorial candidate Bruce Rauner receives unpleasant polling news, his state party may also face a federal investigation. A few weeks ago, the Illinois Libertarian Party (LP) qualified for statewide ballot access, but on Friday, Illinois LP candidate for attorney general, Ben Koyl, formally filed a complaint with the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Justice Department. The complaint surrounds whether the Illinois Republican Party utilized intimidation tactics against petition signature collectors for the LP…



Could GOP Voter Intimidation Threaten Bruce Rauner’s Candidacy?  9/10/14

Published by Newszilla by William J. Kelly

Outrageous voter intimidation tactics in the Illinois race for governor could put the nail in the candidacy coffin of GOP candidate Bruce Rauner.  Chicago Sun-Times reporter Dan Mihalopoulus originated the story – a security firm hired by the Illinois GOP has been accused in a criminal complaint of using scare tactics to intimidate petition circulators for the Libertarian Party into signing false affidavits…



Libertarians File Criminal Complaint Against the GOP  9/1/2014

Published by Peoria Public Radio by Hannah Meisel

The Illinois Libertarian Party has filed a criminal complaint against the state’s Republican Party. The Libertarians allege the GOP hired armed private investigators to go to the homes of voters who hadsigned the petitions to put the Libertarian slate on the November election ballot…




Illinois Libertarians Lodge Criminal Complaints Over Armed Intimidation  8/30/2014

Published on the Huffington Post by Doug Ibendahl

The Libertarian Party of Illinois lodged complaints on Thursday with both the Office of Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan and the Office of Cook County State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez over intimidation tactics employed in an attempt to prevent the Libertarian’s slate of statewide candidates from appearing on the November ballot…




Did Armed GOP Thugs Try To Keep Libertarian Party Off Illinois Ballot?  8/29/2014

Published at Reason by Nick Gillespie

File this under incredibly creepy. The Chicago Sun-Times is reporting that private detectives hired by the Illinois Republican Party have been intimidating people gathering signatures to get the Libertarian Party on the state ballot for November…




The Skulduggery of Ousting Illinois Candidates  8/28/2014

Published on the Chicago Tribune

We know, we know: Politics ain’t beanbag. But politics doesn’t have to be rotten and nefarious either. Yet oodles of people who run for office in this state will tell you of strong-arm tactics they endured, sometimes from their own party, to get their names on an Illinois ballot…




Rauner Firing Blanks in Flap Over Hired Gun in Ballot Challenge?  8/26/2014

Published in the Chicago Sun-Times by Dan Mihalopoulos

Bruce Rauner’s spokesman says the Republican nominee for governor knew nothing about the unusual strong-arm tactics used by his allies in their failed effort to keep the Libertarian Party candidates from appearing on the November ballot…




Rauner Camp Brings A Gun To A Petition Fight  8/24/2014

Published on Huffington Post by Doug Ibendahl

Friday, August 22 was a very bad day for Bruce Rauner. He lost on two fronts. First, in a two-paragraph order the Supreme Court of Illinois summarily denied his petition for appeal of the Appellate Court’s ruling which upheld the Circuit Court’s finding that Rauner’s proposed term limit amendment is unconstitutional…




Illinois GOP Sends Armed Thugs To Libertarians Homes  8/22/2014

Published by Illinois Herald by Mark Wachtler

Illinois Republicans went way too far in their desperate attempt to keep the Illinois Libertarian Party off the November ballot. Imagine your doorbell rings and two giant, threatening thugs with guns tell you you’ve committed a crime by signing the Libertarian Party’s ballot access petition…




Rauner Dealt Double Blows Over Illinois Ballot  8/22/2014

Published on The Washington Times by Kerry Lester

Illlinois Republican gubernatorial candidate Bruce Rauner suffered a double blow Friday with the approval of a Nov. 4 ballot that does not include his referendum to limit the terms of Illinois lawmakers but features a Libertarian candidate which could undercut his draw of conservative votes…



BREAKING: Illinois Libertarians Win November Ballot Access  8/22/2014

Published by Illinois Review

The Illinois Libertarian Party candidates will be on the November 2014 ballot, the State Board of Elections Board decided Friday. “We’re certified and we’re on the ballot,” Brian Lambrecht of the DuPage County Libertarians told Illinois Review shortly after leaving the hearing in Chicago…




Under the Gun In Petition Challenges  8/20/2014

Published in the Chicago Sun-Times by Dan Mihalopoulos

A couple of months after Julieus Hooks signed a political party’s nominating petitions, a man with a gun walked up to Hooks as he left his home in Oak Park…




Illinois November Ballot Likely to Take Shape This Week  8/19/2014

Published in the Chicago Sun-Times by Thomas Frisbie

How the Illinois ballot will look on Nov. 4 might get a lot clearer by the end of the week. Democratic and Republican candidates are assured of their places on the ballot, but whether the names of candidates from “non-established” parties will be there is not yet known…


Libertarians Unhappy With Ballot Requirements  7/29/1024

Published at Anton Daily News by Dave Dahl

Illinois Libertarians say you should pay attention to ballot access. It’s not a conspiracy; “it’s codified in state law,” says Lex Green. The Democrats and Republicans wrote the rules to benefit themselves, says the Libertarian Party of Illinois’ political director…




Libertarians Work to Stay On the Ballot  7/29/2014

Published in the Chicago Sun-Times by Thomas Frisbie

Brian S. Lambrecht knew the signatures he collected to get the Libertarian Party on the Illinois ballot this fall would be challenged. But he didn’t necessarily expect he’d be accused of fraud for falsely claiming to live in the Addison home where he has in fact lived for nearly eight years…


Illinois 3rd Party Candidates Have No Easy Time  7/18/2014

Published by the Chicago Sun-Times


Libertarian Candidates Announced in Illinois Statewide Races  3/25/2014

Published in the Washington Examiner by David Yates

On Tuesday, the Libertarian Party of Illinois began collecting the 42,000 signatures needed to place its candidates on the ballot. A day prior, the party announced the names of the Libertarian candidates running in statewide races…


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