
Join our monthly e-mail newsletter to stay current with DuPage Libertarians Events, Meetings, Campaigns, and our fight for Reducing Taxes, Decreasing Government, and Increasing Freedom in DuPage County and Illinois.

You must agree to the following principles:

“I hereby certify that I do not advocate the initiation of force or fraud to achieve political or social goals.”


“I hereby certify that I support the Libertarian Party’s goals of Reducing Taxes, Decreasing Government, and Increasing Freedom which are the keys to America’s future success.”

(OPTIONAL) If you would like to become an active member:

  • A volunteer member, you can help us push policy in a Libertarian direction.  Please tell us in the text box below if you are interested in volunteering by writing “volunteer”.
  • A dues-paying member, you would be able to run for or vote for officers of the DuPage Libertarians.  The dues are $24.00 per year for adults (prorated for new members). Please tell us in the text box below if you are interested in becoming a dues-paying member.

Note: responses will not be visible to the general public.

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