Libertarians are Pro-Market, Not Pro-Business

June 10, 2011

Art Carden just might be my favorite living economist. Before you let your eyes glaze over, understand that when Carden writes, “economics” doesn’t mean “mathematics”; it means “common sense”. In this article, he explains why the common criticism of libertarians–that we are “corporate authoritarians”–couldn’t be further from the truth. When some big corporation lobbies to have laws passed to limit competition, or seeks an exemption to allow them to pollute the property of others, or asks for a bailout because they are “too big to fail”, the libertarian must oppose such efforts. As Carden puts it in his article:

Businesses should not be protected from competition, losses, and bankruptcy when they fail to deliver for the customer.  All three are essential to truly free markets and free enterprise.

“Free Market” Doesn’t Mean “Pro-Business”

Taking Economic Wisdom to the Masses

April 28, 2011

John Papola and Russ Roberts have done it again!  Their original music video was such an amazing success that they’ve made a sequel.  Three cheers for thinking of creative new ways to spread the message of liberty.  My favorite line?

Oversight?  The government’s long been in bed with those Wall Street execs and the firms that they bled.

If you still haven’t seen the original, check it out below.