February Business Meeting Recap

New Logo

We voted to update our logo to this new design which banks off the national logo.  We feel this look will support cross branding and make the DPL look more like an officially endorsed subsidiary of the Libertarian Party. Advertising this logo will build our local brand as well as support and build the national brand.  As we are advertising now and plan to advertise a lot more we wanted to use a logo that would be more beneficial and lead to greater overall returns for Libertarianism.

Website Blog

We have set a target and are going to focus on keeping this blog more up to date.  We would like to post on here at least once per week.  If you have comments, complaints or would like to share your philosophy about local government please send us an e-mail to DuPageLibertarians@gmail.com and assuming its appropriate we will post it here to share and spread the message of Libertarianism in DuPage. 

Township Chairman

We have officially voted John Shuster as the Addison Township Chairman.  We still have Wayne, Milton and Downers Grove Township Chair positions open.  Fame, glory, a resume building leadership role and an entrance into the realm of politics may await you.  To learn more go to our ‘About/Contact’ page as we have detailed information and maps on each township.

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