Elected to Serve

February 23, 2011

The United States Constitution and the Constitutions of each of the states provide a road map for the operations of the respective government; but there is an alarming trend developing that when unpopular legislation is introduced by the majority party, the minority party protests by not showing up to vote as scheduled.

The arrogance of any elected official to put their own agenda ahead of the democratic process ratified by their constituency is unparalleled by any other.  These elected officials are defying the very process that this country is founded on and need to be given an ultimatum to either fulfill their obligation for which they are being paid, or step down.  Anything less should be addressed within the courts.

Sadly, these temper tantrums are only symptomatic of a much larger issue:  a complete lack of leadership in our country.  The current leadership has the misguided notion that strength comes from drawing lines in the sand and standing steadfastly on one’s own side.  In fact, it is time for real reforms in our government and a paradigm shift that leaves the current duopoly as case study for history majors.

Libertarians understand this, as we have been watching the political drama unfold in a very predictable manner.  If you try to divide the country into two equal sides, you DIVIDE the country into two equal sides.  The establishment Republicans and Democrats have achieved perfect success; the country is divided.

The door is now open for true leaders to emerge and take our country back to a foundation of Constitutional governance, not left, right, conservative, liberal, red, blue partisanship.  True leadership will heal this country by following a steadfast allegiance to the founding documents and serving the people rather than using the people to advance personal agendas.

Get back to work and serve the people you were elected to serve, in the forum in which the state ratified.

-Rae Ann McNeilly

DPL Member/Volunteer

On Presidential Power: The Good Old Days

February 21, 2011

In observation of Presidents Day–and to remind us of how far we’ve fallen–here’s a little quote from Alexis de Tocqueville on Presidential power before the 1830s:

Hitherto no citizen has cared to expose his honor and his life in order to become the President of the United States, because the power of that office is temporary, limited, and subordinate. The prize of fortune must be great to encourage adventurers in so desperate a game. No candidate has as yet been able to arouse the dangerous enthusiasm or the passionate sympathies of the people in his favor, for the simple reason that when he is at the head of the government, he has but little power, little wealth, and little glory to share among his friends; and his influence in the state is too small for the success or the ruin of a faction to depend upon his elevation to power.

Libertarianism 101

February 20, 2011

We had a few newcomers at our February meeting, so I thought it would be a good time to republish an old slideshow we created to explain the basics of libertarianism.  Libertarians, like any group of humans, do not agree on every issue, but this should give you a general idea of what we’re about.

February Business Meeting Recap

February 16, 2011

New Logo

We voted to update our logo to this new design which banks off the national logo.  We feel this look will support cross branding and make the DPL look more like an officially endorsed subsidiary of the Libertarian Party. Advertising this logo will build our local brand as well as support and build the national brand.  As we are advertising now and plan to advertise a lot more we wanted to use a logo that would be more beneficial and lead to greater overall returns for Libertarianism.

Website Blog

We have set a target and are going to focus on keeping this blog more up to date.  We would like to post on here at least once per week.  If you have comments, complaints or would like to share your philosophy about local government please send us an e-mail to DuPageLibertarians@gmail.com and assuming its appropriate we will post it here to share and spread the message of Libertarianism in DuPage. 

Township Chairman

We have officially voted John Shuster as the Addison Township Chairman.  We still have Wayne, Milton and Downers Grove Township Chair positions open.  Fame, glory, a resume building leadership role and an entrance into the realm of politics may await you.  To learn more go to our ‘About/Contact’ page as we have detailed information and maps on each township.